Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Author Blogs

It has been suggested that, in addition to reviewing books on our blog, we could review blogs. I will be happy to do so, and I invite blog reviews from our readership. Because I'd like to keep this blog about books, however, I will be sticking to reviewing other blogs about books.

Some of my best light reading, as of late, has been author blogs. There's a half dozen writers whom I read on a rotating basis in the morning, or when I need to rest my eyes during the day. Authors are fun to read: they are used to translating their observations into interesting prose, and that often translates well to blogging.

I had thought, as a sort of warm-up, that I would create a list of author's blogs. However, when I researched the subject on the web, I found that several people had beat me to it! Some of them are quite comprehensive. Because I like my wheels as is, I will not reinvent them.

Also, keep in mind that if you are searching for a specific author's blog, googling their name and "blog" will often do the trick. The links below are best for lazy days and browsing.

However, I will post a list, of lists, of author's blogs. And I'll keep this in the sidebar on the left side of the screen with other blogs about books.

Author's Blogs: The most comprehensive of the bunch, and divided by genre to boot.

Internet Writing Journal - Author's Blogs: Includes Dave Barry and Neil Gaiman.

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