Friday, February 16, 2007


Our New Filtering Options

Internet Filtering In the Library: It’s Your Choice

A system is in place that allows users to identify a filtering level for their internet access that will be applied to their computer usage anywhere in the library. Although there are many benefits to wide open access to the internet, the library is legally responsible for offering protective measures for minors using our public internet access. This filtering system works in tandem with the parental consentforms already required for minors, by allowing parents to choose the level of access and filtering their child has on any computers used in the library. The new filtering options do not interfere with the possibility of unfiltered access for adults, although anyone can choose to apply a level of filtering that will help minimize the intrusion of objectionable material during their internet usage.

What is internet filtering?

Internet filtering is a method that allows the library to block different types of content from being accessed through the internet. The software that manages this function for the library is able to provide a variety of levels of filtering of predefined types of internet content. Although filtering may provide a sense of safety, it is not a foolproof method of blocking objectionable material. Also, filtering may inadvertently block legitimate health related information.

What levels of filtering are available?

0 No access to the internet
1 Access to the library website, catalog, and databases only--links from our website to other websites will be blocked
2 Eliminates all sites judged by the filtering software to be potentially liable, objectionable or controversial--this goes above and beyond CIPA requirements
3 Eliminates only sites judged by the filtering software to contain adult materials, nudity, or pornography--complies with CIPA
4 No filtering applied

CIPA is the Children’s Internet Protection Act; a federal law established to address concerns about access to offensive content over the Internet on school and library computers. In addition, Michigan State Law prohibits viewing inappropriate material where children can view it. Please visit our website,, to view the Library’s Internet Policy.

What level of filtering do I have and how do I change it?

All adult members of the library as of February 19, 2007 are set to unfiltered access. An adult may change their filtering level at any time by showing their library card to staff at any information desk.

Children and teenage members who have signed parental permission to use the internet on file prior to February 19, 2007are set to level three filtering. Children and teens must have documented parental consent, along with their library card, in order to change their filtering level.

Children and teenage members who do not have a signed parental consent form on file will not have access to the internet, but they will be able to use our computer workstations for word processing and other available programs. Parental consent forms can be picked up or turned in at any information desk.

How do I access the internet or use a computer at the library?

You must be a registered library user to utilize our computers or our wireless internet access. To register, you must present appropriate identification at the Checkout Desk. Although you may not qualify for a full membership, all visitors will be granted computer access.

All members of the library or those that have registered for guest pass are able to use the barcode number on the back of their library card in conjunction with a PIN to gain access according to their filtering type. By default, your PIN is the same as the last four digits of the telephone number you have on file in your library account; you can change this number at any time. If you have any difficulty gaining access, please seek assistance at any information desk.

There are many computer workstations available throughout the library, although the computers on the lower level are primarily for the use of children, teens, and families. Registered library users may utilize our wireless network to gain internet access with their own computer. Those who have a full membership to the library can borrow a laptop for use in the library only. All you need is your library card and appropriate identification—ask about this service at the Checkout Desk.

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